Body Image and Disordered Eating in the Asian Community

In this week’s episode of Beyond the Couch, NYC clinical psychologist Dr. Rosa Lim joins me to discuss disordered eating and relationships with food in the Asian American community. Click here to listen.

We explore the pressures of fitting in, western versus Asian beauty standards as well as the dark side of “clean eating.” Dr. Lim discusses the connection between eating disorders and cultural messages around bodies, emotional expression, achievement, and intergenerational conflict. Additionally, she maps out various disordered eating symptoms and shares insights about therapy and treatment.

Rosa Lim, PhD, (she/her) is a licensed clinical psychologist in NYC who has worked in private practice and in college counseling for the past 20 years. Currently, she is involved with the William Alanson White Institute’s Eating Disorders, Compulsions, and Addictions program, as both a member of the steering committee and as guest faculty. Connect with Dr. Lim at

If you or someone you love is struggling with disordered eating, please check out the resources below:

Diana Liao