Therapy 101: Where to Search for a Therapist

Trying to find a therapist can be challenging for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you’ve reached out to several therapists, only to find that they’re at capacity. Or you realize that your insurance does not cover out-of-network providers.

In addition to Psychology Today, you can try some of the resources below to find a therapist. Please note that some of these are specific to therapy-seekers in the NYC-area:

Therapist Directories

In-Network Therapists in NYC-Area (Not Medicaid/Medicare)

Therapists that Accept Medicaid/Medicare or Offer Reduced Rates

For Everything Else

  • NYC Well (1-888-NYC-WELL / 1-888-692-9355) is a comprehensive mental health resource for NYC residents. You can request crisis team support for mental health emergencies, talk with a mental health professional, and request referrals for treatment.

Diana Liao